006: Dust Hazard Analysis- Dr Vahid Ebadat

006: Dust Hazard Analysis- Dr Vahid Ebadat

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In this episode of The Chic Project Manager Podcast we interview Dr Vahid Ebadat, a Chartered Physicist and a Process Safety Expert on the critical issues relating to Combustible Dust, Dust Hazard and Process Safety. Innocent looking dust can become combustible given the right circumstances. Combustible dust is one of the important causes of serious industrial fires, flash fires and accidents all over the US and across the globe. Through this  episode we try to highlight the importance of Dust Hazard Analysis  (DHA). A DHA  is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of a facility on its compliances relating to combustible & hazardous dust as set by NFPA , OSHA , EPA , Local enforcing authorities and other regulatory bodies.  We try to understand what the process is, how to go about doing the DHA step by step and what are the deadlines set by the NFPA regarding same. Dr Vahid has extensive experience in analysis, testing and mitigation of process hazards and combustible dust and he does several training programs on process and dust safety and has several publications and articles on the topic. He has a doctorate in physics, he is a member of various NFPA technical committees and also a Member of Institute of Physics and  a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Listen to the episode, hit like and do not forget to subscribe to our channel https://thechicprojectmanager.com/podcast/